Tackle the underlying issues that disrupt
the wound healing process.
You spend countless hours treating chronic wounds—diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure injuries. Called the “silent epidemic,” chronic wounds often result in infection, disability and sometimes amputation.1
Crafting the right treatment plan—one that addresses the individual needs of each wound and each patient—hinges on managing the underlying issues that can disrupt healing and increase healthcare costs:
Multiple health complications.
Chronic conditions (diabetes, venous disease, obesity); medications (steroids, NSAIDs, anti-rejection drugs); and lifestyle habits (smoking, alcohol abuse) make it more difficult for wounds to heal.2
Painful infections.
Bacteria and necrotic debris interfere with new tissue and blood vessel growth, stalling the healing process.2
Microscopic biofilm.
More than 90% of chronic wounds contain biofilm—complex colonies of bacteria and fungi that impair healing.3,4 Biofilm prolongs inflammation, elevates protease levels and increases exudate and fibrinous slough.4 Removing biofilm is difficult because it firmly adheres to surrounding tissue and is resistant to many antibiotics.4
Innovation in wound bed preparation and tissue regeneration brings new hope for these patients—and your team—in the form of more effective wound closure, improved quality of life and reduced costs.
Make the impossible
Coming soon: New skin harvesting and transferring technology that enables full-thickness grafting in an outpatient setting with minimized donor site concerns.5,6